Look for , it identifies content that has been added in the last 15 days. After which time, the will be removed. Otherwise the site will look like the run of the mill video store, and NEW looses its meaning. True?The Last 30 DaysNote: New AF specific items are being placed at AFMentor. The links below will direct you there. 24 Oct, added an article Criticizing Defense Travel System (DTS). For anyone who has had to use this system, the article explains A LOT! Find it in Information, Something to Think About. 23 Oct, I have finished my capstone for college. (yea, I'm done!) Anyways,, keep an eye on the site as I start to catch up on the backlog. First off is World of PowerPoint. A humorous look at PowerPoint with "A Few Good Men " flavor. Find in the Humor Page. 18 Oct, I have been finishing my capstone for my degree, so the site has been on the back burner. I found a good article in the newspaper today and wanted to share it. The World Reserve (Commercial Company) is giving away real money. The link Free Money!!! - From World Reserve gives more information regarding it. Hurry, it is good until 20 Oct. 09 Oct, the October newsletter has been completed and mailed. If you didn't receive it, please let me know. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, Click Here. 03 Oct, added Rifleman vs. Tank in Multi-Media - Raw Videos. The clip shows the importance of camouflage. 29 Sep, the site was down yesterday for a couple of hours. The hosting site had some technical problems. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. 28 Sep, added Ammo Dump Explodes to Multi-Media - Raw Videos and a F-16C Air Force Aerospace Power video to Multi-Media Videos - Professional. Also added America's Youth Must Serve Their Country, One Way Or Another to Information - Perceptions. 26 Sep, been TDY for a little bit so I have not been able to add any content for the last couple of weeks... there is more coming in the next couple of days. |