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A little jolt to engage the light bulb

Collection of stories/articles concerning a different way of thinking

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How we (Military) View Us / Articles from Military Members

Hanoi Jane
Author: Jerry Driscoll?

Outcry over Jane Fonda being honored as one of the "100 Women of the Century
One of the main inspiration for this entire site!

24 Star LetterAll of the JC signed a letter blasting the Washington Post on a cartoon ran in Jan 06

An Army Wife Speaks Her Mind

 An army wife's Special Thank You at a Steak House
Arsenal of the Future
Author: T. Weiner
A series of articles wrote by T. Weiner of the NY Times delving into the Art of Modern War
Christmas Poem Nice Little Play Off T'was Night Before Christmas
“ASPEN 20” – SR-71 – Groundspeed CheckGood story about friendly inter service rivialery. 
Christmas Poem; Different Most of the poem has been plagiarized from Michael Marks's "A Different Christmas Poem" (below), but there the new parts are worth the read.
Civilian vs. Military FriendsGood Chain letter addressing the difference between military and civilian friendships.
Command: Category 4 333d Training Squadron/CC day by day accounts of the psychological effects of Hurricane Katrina
Dale Earnhardt PerspectiveGood illustration of how little the public media concerns themselves on military well-being, but rather pop/sport icons
A SOLDIER'S CHRISTMAS aka A Different Christmas PoemAuthor: Michael Marks

A soldier's duty to and what is really payment enough.

Does America respects religious freedom?A war hero, the VA, and a Wiccan pentacle.
Divine WindQuagmire in the Iraqi Desert. Someone is looking out for us
Defense Travel System (DTS) Criticized
Author: Williamson (Washington Post)
Good article highlighting the waste of money DTS really is.
Friends and Military FriendsChain Mail discussing the difference between civilian and military friends.
A Lesson to My Son

Previously known as

Don't Close Your Blinds


Received an email from the author concerning this poem.  In closed in the page is the location to her, the author's webpage and 2003 submission of this poem. 

This is not a father answers his son's question of why we are at war as I was led to believe. 

Military Spouses
Author: Col Steve Arrington
A great perspective of a military Spouse in relation to other spouses
A Military WifeWhat really is a Military Wife?
'Twas the Night of the CaptureNice Little Play Off T'was Night Before Christmas in reference to capturing Saddam Hussein 
Stand Proud for Our American Troops
Author: A1C Michael Bragg
Airman responds to Ms Cindy Williams (from Laverne and Shirley TV show) piece for the Washington Times, denouncing the pay raise's) coming service members. From the info I have received, the Washington Post article never happen... But who knows
These and Those
Author: AFMentor
A look at class separation through the use of These and Those.
Things a Military wife DOES NOT want to hear!14 things a military wife does not want to hear
U.S. Army Balks At Sending Laser Weapon To IraqGood Article about new LASER Technology being or not being deployed.

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Page last modified on: 06 February 2010

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