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Career Job Reservation (CJR) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

  1. What is the Career Job Reservation (CJR) program? 
  2. When am I eligible to apply for a CJR? 
  3. How do I apply for a CJR? 
  4. If I request a CJR does that mean I am staying in the Air Force? 
  5. What is meant by a constrained AFSC list? 
  6. Do all AFSCs have a CJR quota?
  7. How does the CJR waiting list affect me?
  8. What are the rank-order factors used to determine who gets a CJR or my standing on the waiting list? 
  9. Can I apply for retraining while requesting for a CJR?
  10.  If I don’t want to get a CJR or request retraining, can I ask to separate from the Air Force earlier than my established date of separation?
  11. Where can I find out what career fields are on the constrained AFSC list and what are the available quota(s) for each AFSC? 
  12. How do I find out my standing on the CJR Waiting List? 

1.  QUESTION: What is the Career Job Reservation (CJR) program? 

Answer: The CJR program objective is to prevent surpluses and shortages in the enlisted career force. HQ AFPC controls first-term reenlistments by maintaining a career job requirement file for each Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC). 

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2: QUESTION:  When am I eligible to apply for a CJR? 

Answer: If you are a 4-year enlistee then you may apply for a CJR on the 1st duty day of the month in which you complete 35 months on your current enlistment, but no later than the last day of the month in which you complete 43 months on your current enlistment. 

If you are a 6-year enlistee then you may apply for a CJR on the 1st duty day of the month in which you complete 59 months on your current enlistment but no later than the last duty day of the month in which you complete 67 months on your current enlistment. 

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3: QUESTION:  How do I apply for a CJR? 

Answer: Contact or visit your servicing MPF, Career Enhancements section upon entering your CJR window to apply. You will need to complete an AF Form 545 (Request for Career Job Reservation). 

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4:QUESTION:  If I request a CJR does that mean I am staying in the Air Force? 

Answer: No, but in order to reenlist, you must first have an approved CJR. You may always cancel your CJR and elect separation. 

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5: QUESTION: What is meant by a constrained AFSC list? 

Answer: This is a list of overmanned AFSCs and Air Force has established a CJR quota limiting the number of first term Airmen that can reenlist in those AFSCs. 

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6. QUESTION: Do all AFSCs have a CJR quota? 

Answer: No, Air Force only establishes CJR quota(s) for AFSCs placed on the constrained list. 

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7. QUESTION: How does the CJR waiting list affect me? 

Answer: If your AFSC is on the constrained list and you do not receive an approved CJR when you first applied, your name will be placed on a CJR waiting list. You will compete monthly for available quota(s), using a quality rank-order process during your CJR window with final consideration during the 5th month prior to your date of separation. 

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8. QUESTION: What are the rank-order factors used to determine who gets a CJR or my standing on the waiting list? 

Answer: The rank order factors are UIF, last three EPRs, grade, projected grade, date of rank, TAFMSD and date of birth. 

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9. QUESTION: Can I apply for retraining while requesting for a CJR? 

Answer: Yes, you can apply for retraining as soon as you enter your CJR window (see question 2 above). We highly encourage individuals to apply for retraining while on the CJR waiting list competing monthly for available quota(s). The sooner you apply for retraining, the better your chances in getting one of your top choices. 

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10. QUESTION: If I don’t want to get a CJR or request retraining, can I ask to separate from the Air Force earlier than my established date of separation?

Answer: No, you still have to serve on active duty until your current date of separation. If you elect to separate, we encourage you to continue serving the military with the Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, or through military civilian employment. Contact your Military Personnel Flight for more information. 

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11. QUESTION: Where can I find out what career fields are on the constrained AFSC list and what are the available quota(s) for each AFSC? 

Answer: You can view the current constrained AFSC list and quota(s) on the Career Job Reservation web page. 

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12. QUESTION: How do I find out my standing on the CJR Waiting List? 

Answer: Contact your MPF Reenlistment Office, they will have copy of the CJR waiting list and can advise you on your available options.

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Page Updated on: 29 January 2007