| USAF First Sergeant Academy - Additional Duty '01 | |
nstructor Presentations Great Knowledge to be shared by all
Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Comprehend the general responsibilities of an additional duty first sergeant in a typical unit.
SOB: 1. Give examples of authority delegated to the additional duty first sergeant. 2. Identify who has direct supervision over the additional duty first sergeant. 3. Recognize the types of duties associated with the additional duty first sergeant. 4. Explain why additional duties are inappropriate for the additional duty first sergeant.
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Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Comprehend the use of specified Security Forces forms and policies which affect Air Force personnel.
SOB: 1. Recognize and explain the proper utilization and processing of selected Security Forces forms. 2. Distinguish between a driving privilege suspension and a driving privilege revocation. 3. Explain the purpose and significance of the Air Force traffic point system.
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 Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Comprehend Air Force policies that govern authorized absences, and how to properly monitor unauthorized absences.
SOB: 1. Explain the policy regarding authorized absences. 2. Give examples of the types of leaves that are authorized. 3. Explain the general procedures regarding the leave program. 4. Summarize the two types of passes and their limitations. 5. Distinguish the difference between leave and permissive TDYs. 6. Identify when an unauthorized absence begins and ends. 7. Explain the administrative classifications of deserters. 8. Paraphrase the requirements for return to military control of an absentee or deserter. 9. Summarize the general responsibilities, violations and sequence of events when processing unauthorized absences.
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Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Comprehend the general responsibilities in managing the unit enlisted evaluation system, and how the recognition programs affect unit morale.
SOB: 1. Describe the objectives of the enlisted evaluation system pertaining to unit personnel. 2. Explain the role of unit personnel in managing the enlisted evaluation system. 3. Explain the requirements for performance feedback and commander/first sergeant involvement. 4. Explain EPR management as it pertains to supervisors, first sergeants, and commanders. 5. State the objective of the awards and decorations program. 6. Distinguish between selected awards and their approval criteria. 7. Discuss selected reasons members may be considered for an award, including character of service. 8. State how and when to present selected awards.
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Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Comprehend the additional duty first sergeant’s responsibilities concerning military equal opportunity and treatment programs.
SOB: 1. Describe the MEO program’s primary objective. 2. Give examples of when MEO training is mandated. 3. Explain how additional duty first sergeants use the base MEO office as a referral agency. 4. Identify specific command MEO responsibilities.
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Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Evaluate and predict the outcome for applying the appropriate actions for controlling family care planning.
SOB: 1. Explain what a family care plan is. 2. Identify who is required to develop a family care plan. 3. Explain the AF Form 357, Family Care Certification, and its use. 4. Give examples of additional duty first sergeant responsibilities that pertain to family care planning. <Back to Table of Contents>
Slide Presentation
OBJECTIVE: Comprehend how Family Support Centers enhance the health and welfare of unit personnel and their families, and comprehend the services provided by the Air Force Aid Society. . SOB: 1. Explain the Family Support Center mission. 2. Explain how Family Support Centers help additional duty first sergeants maintain the health and welfare of unit personnel and their families. 3. Identify when referrals for assistance from the Air Force Aid Society are appropriate. 4. Give an example of when an additional duty first sergeant should objectively advocate Air Force Aid Society assistance for a case that requires an exception to policy.
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 Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Comprehend the additional duty first sergeant’s role in promoting and maintaining discipline.
SOB: 1. Define discipline. 2. Identify the purpose of military law. 3. Give examples of various methods used to maintain discipline, 4. Explain the additional duty first sergeant’s role in the maintenance of discipline.
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Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Comprehend Mental Health Services’ effect on unit morale and welfare and apply services to the additional duty first sergeant’s role in suicide prevention. Comprehend how the additional duty first sergeant uses the ADAPT Program to rehabilitate individuals to successfully accomplish Air Force and individual goals.
SOB: 1. Explain the services provided by Mental Health Services. 2. Summarize the process for a commander directed mental health evaluation. 3. Identify the signs or indicators relevant to suicide prevention. 4. Identify suicide prevention actions. 5. Explain suicide prevention training requirements. 6. Explain the objective of the ADAPT program. 7. Explain the process of referring a member suspected of having an alcohol/drug abuse problem. 8. Identify the unit’s role in the treatment and management of individuals in the ADAPT program.
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Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Comprehend the additional duty first sergeant’s role in family maltreatment/domestic violence and how the Family Advocacy Office supports unit effectiveness.
SOB: 1. Describe the referral process for suspected family maltreatment or the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). 2. Predict the effect of intervention of family maltreatment on unit effectiveness. 3. Explain the purpose of the Family Maltreatment Case Management Team.
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Slide Presentation
OBJECTIVE: Comprehend the additional duty first sergeant’s role and responsibilities in counseling. SOB: 1. Explain the goal of counseling. 2. Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate uses of counseling principles in simulated situations.
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Slide Presentation
OBJECTIVE: Comprehend the potential for violence in any domestic disturbance and what appropriate corrective and follow-up actions to take.
SOB: 1. Differentiate between a domestic disturbance and a domestic violence situation. 2. Identify possible indicators of domestic violence. 3. Explain the recommended rules of engagement on handling domestic violence situations. 4. Identify referral agencies and their services for domestic violence.
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Slide Presentation
OBJECTIVE: Comprehend how administrative admonishments, reprimands, unfavorable information files (UIF) and control rosters affect the maintenance of discipline and the additional duty first sergeant’s role in the process. SOB: 1. Develop how reprimands are used to correct behavior. 2. Explain the purpose of control rosters and UIFs. 3. Predict the effect of corrective actions on the maintenance of discipline.
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Slide Presentation
OBJECTIVE: Comprehend how the Air Force weight and body fat management program supports force readiness, its documentation requirements, and the additional duty first sergeant’s responsibilities in administering the program.
SOB: 1. Describe the relationship between the Air Force weight and body fat management program and force readiness. 2. Predict the effects of an improperly administered Air Force weight and body fat management program in unit effectiveness. 3. Identify key steps in the Air Force weight and body fat management program process. 4. Explain the additional duty first sergeant’s role in the Air Force weight and body fat management program management. 5. Analyze and apply appropriate actions for entry, satisfactory progress, and unsatisfactory progress in the Air Force weight and body fat management program.
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Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Comprehend Air Force standards of financial responsibility.
SOB: 1. Explain the Air Force policy on financial responsibility. 2. State the responsibilities of key personnel in enforcing financial responsibility. 3. Discuss the government travel charge card program.
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Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Comprehend policies and procedures related to airmen promotion programs.
SOB: 1. Explain the objective of enlisted promotions. 2. Identify the promotion authority for enlisted promotions. 3. Differentiate between various promotion methods. 4. Explain various enlisted promotion procedures. 5. Explain various promotion actions to include non-recommendation, deferral, and withholding.
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Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Comprehend the first sergeant’s role relating to reenlistment of Air Force personnel. SOB: 1. Explain the screening process for selective reenlistment in the Air Force. 2. Summarize the application of the selective reenlistment program. 3. Explain the Career Airman Reenlistment Reservation System (CAREERS) and the procedures for processing a career job reservation (CJR).
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Slide Presentation
OBJECTIVE: Comprehend requirements relating to administrative separations.
SOB: 1. Explain the general procedures for administrative separation of airmen. 2. Give examples of the reasons for required separations and the reasons for retention beyond separation. 3. Explain the basis for voluntary separation prior to expiration of term of service. 4. State when a person may request separation in lieu of court-martial action. 5. Explain the reasons for involuntary separation. 6. Illustrate the involuntary discharge process.
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Slide Presentation
OBJECTIVE: Know the seven basic rights of an accused person contained in the MCM.
SOB: Identify the seven basic rights of an accused person under the MCM.
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Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Comprehend the types and procedures used when affecting an apprehension or ordering pretrial restraint.
SOB: 1. Explain apprehension as it applies to the military. 2. Describe the apprehension process as it applies to the military. 3. Describe the types of pretrial restraint and their definitions. 4. Identify personnel who have authority to impose pretrial restraint and their limitations. 5. Summarize the procedures for ordering pretrial restraint. 6. Describe the unit’s responsibilities with apprehension and pretrial restraint.
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Slide Presentation OBJECTIVE: Comprehend what constitutes a lawful search and seizure in the military, common terms used, types of lawful searches and some technicalities which could lead to evidence being inadmissible in court.
SOB: 1. Describe the individual protections against unreasonable search and seizure. 2. Identify some of the more common terms as it relates to search and seizure. 3. Distinguish between the different types of lawful searches and technicalities that could lead to evidence being inadmissible in court. 4. Explain the difference between an inspection and a search, and the different types of inspections and their uses.
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Slide Presentation
OBJECTIVE: Comprehend the rationale for nonjudicial punishment and apply the steps involved in the process.
SOB: 1. Summarize the purpose and sources of authority for imposition of NJP. 2. Explain the responsibilities of the commander exercising NJP authority. 3. Explain the steps required to punish an individual using NJP. 4. Differentiate between the tools available to the commander during and after the NJP punishment phase.
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