When Military Short Hand Gets a Little Out of Hand | |
Refer to the following for more information:
AAFSC | Air Force Specialty Codes All Enlisted Codes and All Officer Codes (AF) | AIFS | Allied Information Flow System (NATO) | AMSTE | Affordable Moving Surface Target Engagement | APS | Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing Segment | ARMED | Airmen Retention and Marketplace Evaluation Decision | ASARS | Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System (U-2 Program) |
BBLOS | Beyond Line-Of-Sight |
CC4I | Command, Control, Communications, Computer, and Intelligence | CAN | Correlation Analyst | CARS | Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System | CAOC | Combined Air Operations Center | CBRN | Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear | CDC | Career Development Course (AF) | CMIS | Computer Management Information Systems | CIGSS | Common Imagery Ground/Surface System | C&I | Communications & Information | CNVT | Computer Network Vulnerability Team | COS | Communications Operations Segment | CSAR | Combat Search and Rescue |
DDCGS | Deployable Common Ground Station Distributed Common Ground Systems | DCM-M | Deployable Communications Module, Mike | DDS | Defense Dissemination System | DE DE-D | Dissemination Element Dissemination Element-Deployable | DEROS | Date Eligible to Return from Overseas | DGS | Deployable Ground Station Distributed Ground Station | DGIF | Deployable Ground Intercept Facility | DLIP | Data Link Improvement Program | DISA | Defense Information Systems Agency | DISC | DCGS Integration Support Contractor | DODIIS | Department of Defense Intelligence Information System | DTS | Deployable Transit-cased System |
EESD | Electrostatic Discharge | ETP | U-2's Extended Tether Program | | |
FFSR | Field Service Representative | FCE | Forward Control Element |
GGCCS | Global Command and Control System | GCP | Ground Control Processor | GSS | Ground- and surface-based systems |
HHDIP | Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay | HVAC | Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning | | |
IIESS | Imagery Exploitation Support System | IMINT | Imagery Intelligence | IPL | Image Product Library | IRO | Instructor Rated Operator | ISR | Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance |
JJASA | Joint Airborne SIGINT Architecture | JEFX | Joint Expeditionary Forces Experiment | JSIPS | Joint Imagery Processing System | JSIN | Joint Staff Information Network | JSTARS | Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System | JWICS | Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System | | |
KKFOR | Kosovo security force, Kosovo Forces | | |
MMASINT | Measurements and Signatures Intelligence | MDS | Modular Dissemination System | MIS | Mission Intelligence System | MIST | Modulator Interoperable Surface Terminal | MIST-II | Modularized Interoperable Surface Terminal-II | MOBSTR | Mobile Stretch |
NNDC | NATO Deployable Corps | | |
OOCF | Operational Check Flights | | |
PPSN | Promotion Sequence Number | PGL | Precision Geo-Location | | |
RRAOC | Regional Air Operations Center | RDO | Redistribution Order | RE | Receive Element | RL | Receive Location | RQ-1 | Predator UAV | RQ-4 | Global Hawk UAV |
SSCAN | Streamlined Senior Correlation Analyst | SIGINT | Signals Intelligence | SOP | Standard Operating Procedure | SPG | Softcopy Processing Group | SSBI | Single Scope Background Investigation | SSS | Senior Span Segment | STP | shielded twisted pair | SWA | Southwest Asia | SYERS | Senior Year Electro-optical Reconnaissance System |
TTCTO | Time Compliance Technical Orders | TFT | Tri-band Field Terminal | TMET | Tactical Medium Earth Terminal |
UUAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle | UES | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Exploitation System |